

Library is a place of serious study and research. Students should observe strict silence in the library and reading room. All students of the college can borrow books from the college library. The library will be kept open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

The students can directly take books from the library with the help of the librarian. Each issuing of a book is to be registered by the student in the respective registers. A student can take three books at a time. Books taken should not be retained for more than 15 days from the date of issue. The due date is marked on the date label inside the book. Periodicals, Journals, Reference Books, rare and out-of-print books will not be issued to be taken outside the Library. It is the duty of the borrowers to take maximum care of the library books issued to them.

Library Facilities


Category Number
Books 11,889
Periodicals/Journals 39
Maps 15
Internet facilities 10
CD/DVD and cassettes 35
Library Service 4
Seating Capacity 50
Printer 1
Xerox Machine 1

Library Staff

The college contains a large amount of digital content in its library. The library contains thirty-five CDs and DVDs consisting of knowledge on various subjects related to the college curriculum.